12 Like
5185 Visualizzazioni
- Dirck Make a snowman , quickly , before it melts !
- AlexI 📷👍
- Becky100188 Hahaha
- Nove9 👍
- Vlade ☺
- Lola13 👍👍📷🌝
- cristinacrys Nice. 😊👍
- mirek59 ♥♥59
- Vascos ! ! ! !

16 Like
5186 Visualizzazioni
- Bert007 Looks a better day where you are.
- Nove9 Nice 👍
- John60 How come you got all the good weather.
- Becky100188 It's lovely out there but there is still cloud around
- mirek59 ♥59

25 Like
5184 Visualizzazioni
- John60 Not bad its going to rain in a bit.
- Bert007 Lucky for you dull and wet here in the southwest
- Becky100188 It's half sunny and half not here in blackpool
- mirek59 ♥♥59